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  11. International aplication no: PCT/EP2018/057400. More information about patented technology on
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  13. 170 nm+/-15% (batch number: 010817)

*The food supplement is a foodstuff which purpose is to supplement a normal diet. The food supplement has no medicinal properties.

In the case of deficiencies, additional supplementation with these components should be considered, preceded each time by tests of the level of these substances in the body, followed by consultation with a doctor or dietician.

All information relating to the substances, their function, occurrence, and characteristics, etc. have been prepared on request of the food supplement manufacturer Lipid Systems Sp. z o.o. The information presented herein is a subjective selection made by Lipid Systems Sp. z o.o. to explain or help understand the product components and their function, among other things. However, this information on vitamin C is not exclusive.
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